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Monday, February 6, 2012

Presentation 2 Rough Draft

Essential question: What is the best way to take care of teen skin?

Objective: My objective is to teach others how to take three simple steps that will improve the appearance of thier skin.

Introduction: Hello, my name is Gabriela and my essential question is, What is the best way of taking care of teen skin? I wan to be able to help others by giving them simple steps on how they could improve tier skin and gain more confidence in the process.

Verification: I will ask three questions to make sure the class is understanding.
1. How many times a day should a teen wash tier face?
2.What SPF number should the sunblock be?
3.What main ingridents should you look for in a face wash.

Three important sources: My service learning at Bella Fusion Skin and Body Studio. I have completed over 50 hours at that spa and have learned easy steps a teen could take at home to better their skin without having to waste a lot of money (also depends on the severity of the acne, acne scars etc. that they want to improve.
Research, every article I read gives me a better understanding on how the skin works and proper maintenance. Also a lot oh home remedies like face masks, zit zappers, that one could easily create at home.
Short videos, I tend to watch a lot of two minute videos on how to apply make up, proper steps to take to remove make and so on. This has helped me find simple ways that a teen could do to imrpove the appearnce of their skin.


  • Literal: I have learned that one of the best home remedies to help the swelling of a zit the quickest is to put a tab bit of toothpaste over night. Toothpaste helps kill the bacteria that could be on the surface of the skin which causes the swelling of the zit. I have also learned that proper maintenance is the way to go for teens. Which could be washing their face twice a day using a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15 and always moisturizing their face.
  • Interp: Based on what i have learned I was able to complete independent componet 1. All my research on facials and simple ingredients that could be added to a home made face wash, makes a big difference in ones skin.
Visuals: Several posters each demestrating steps on proper way of washing your face etc.

Activity: I will create a worksheet for each group. Each worksheet will have an envelope with cut outs with arrows that they will have to put on the face that will be on the worksheet demonstratin
g the proper hand motions to wash your face.

Conclusion: What we went over today were just simple steps that you could take at home to help with the apperence of your skin. You have learned one of the most important which is the proper way of washing your face, because the way you wash your face effects where you break out. You can't rub your face to hard because your pimples will eventually spread all over your face depending where you have acne. By the end of my senior project I want to be able to have less stress on about my own skin since i will know how to take proper steps to take care of it.